Friday, November 26, 2010

Funny Baby Shower Wishes

Christmas shopping with AJATA

in time has a month before Christmas, the AJATA unicycle unicycles a container shipping today bekommen.Zur container opening ceremony and the subsequent unloading of the improved again AJATA unicycles I'm obviously come to the Ruhr.
for myself, there was also a new unicycle that I will take the end of the year, to Morocco in order to make some nice photos.

Here are some impressions from the unloading of the container with has the whole team AJATA helped.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

How To Inspire Myself

Unicycle World Championship 2012 in Bressanone (Italy)

The organizers of the next Unicycle World Championship 2012 will be held in Bressanone (Italy) first pictures are provided by the venues online.
The freestyle hall I find something small (click on image for a larger view) for the estimated 3,000 participants, all the rest but it looks very good.

hall for the unicycle freestyle competitions (groups, couples, and individual freestyle)

Workshop Hall

10 km unicycle race track


Best Prom Houses In Poconos

The thing TV

Florian Kaiser was filmed by the youth program of BWRs "The Thing" . The 5-minute portrait of Florian and his downhill unicycling you can watch here: there

the associated report is available at this link .

Friday, November 19, 2010

Customise Football Visor


Yesterday I was interviewed by the SWR. The result can be heard on the Kaiserslautern Blog "What IS KL" View . The video of the interview here:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Transporting Drywall On Suv

Bicycle Street / Trial Video

Danny MacAskill (Pro cyclists) has released a new video of what pleases me so good that I must post it here.
In the video, he shows a great flow and unique mix of trial and street dotted with bicycle riding tricks like front flips and tailwhips. Be sure to look!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cervical Mucus With Implantation Bleeding

New Video

this year I got a couple of days borrowed a camera. The result of this trial and is Mountainunicycling video. Filmed I have it in Kaiserslautern and at some spots in Israel. I hope you like it is good and bad comments welcome.

unicycle TV

Where To Get Size 15 Skates


The introduction of a new regional parallel currency is a pretty big project. It not only needs much persuasion, but also the cooperation of many people, the many different tasks to fulfill, thereby incurred. Therefore it first needs a name. More ...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Left Are In Throbbing

unicycling with Stern TV

tonight will go Frank Schneider and Andrew Hemmeter both mountain bike and unicycle at the RTL Stern TV to see. The report will be broadcast at 22:15.
TV star writes about the show itself following:

"Hemmeter Andreas Schneider and Frank are among the world's best extreme athletes on a unicycle Hemmeter's downhill world champion and even the. Zugspitze shut down. But even the most acrobatic is possible with the sports equipment. Possible at the Parkour driving in the city with all the unpredictable obstacles. . What do everything on a single wheel can both pros live show with Günther Jauch in the studio "

I am very curious how the report will look at him and repays me

. Image: Andrew Hemmeter Action on the unicycle in 2009 in Berlin GMTW