Thursday, May 28, 2009

Clonk Rage Full Registration

Lying around the world

in Spiegel Online report, there is a a recumbent world tour (reportedly the first of a German?) including a beautiful photo gallery .

Pie Graph Of Cigarette Smoking

reading now: Rainald Goetz, Kronos

Alexis Texas Buying A Car


"Sex sells", someone wrote in recumbent .

This wheel comes extremely beautiful in France by Zockrabikes .

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Snakes Concrete Fences


That is a dramatic text, or I read it so precisely so monumental (the way the kids, covering ground - but the room is almost always a stage) and Schleef theater was given. It makes no sense to prove Gertrude's monologue with adjectives, the superlative is fast and will not fit again. The article focuses

with: yes, again and again I lose myself in the text - just the way you also lose sometimes in the theater and then quenched to high, is now looking with open eyes to the actors and ask yourself: hey, what's happening because there just what the what the talk anyway? In reading, I can now go back to the beginning of a paragraph, re-read, but often I succeed even in the third or even fourth time not rauszubekommen what is being said now, I do not understand (or wrong or whatever), because then helps just follow the river and find the point where one recognizes reason.

Sometimes I would read aloud the text rhythm to a Schleef's choreography and I'm back in the theater, think we should have to the bringing to the stage, choral, Gertrude filled with men, the text to break with the sons, brothers the lovers (Trying to free themselves in the adaptation of the monstrous - the Schleef's own intention was to write?) On the net you will find pictures of Edith Clever

as Gertrude in a Syberberg - staging (which I have not seen), and I can imagine very well - large and Gertrud Lottes sister.

much violence, and usually is the violence by women, dominated by the grandmother, who punishes the grandchildren and beats and beats, without a way for her one of the men (grandfather or Gertrude's father) or mother curb, or of the daughter, Gertrude, marketed under the blows of the house.

And then this really unbearable loneliness, gives himself Gertrud or surrender must be: if it steals sleep through the house, observes, listens, outside and within himself, and everything falls together somehow, when she describes her aging body, skin and flesh, you bloody scratching, the outflows and all that, if it haunts almost mad by the country at the foot of the Kyffhäuser, panic, anxious to meet anyone if it sits (on many pages) in a bus that they - on a snowy New Year's Eve, but they thought that it was only the 30th December - to a friend will bring.

A great, great book! My wish But now read the diaries Schleef it.

As Schleef died, I was in Harburg, in perhaps the darkest years of my life. I learned of Schleef's death, strangely, by a neon sign at a kiosk in the mall near Harburg railway station, in which there is also the minimum, the then often by the already demented Inge Meysel - has been visited - accompanied by looking after neighbors. The Hamburg-Presse (Hamburg from all major German cities, the worst newspapers) reported happy about it. That afternoon I met Inge Meysel not, I had actually never met. I learned there - in his hand a paper bag with canned soups and other cheap stuff - the passing of Schleef's death and was only affected honest and then wonder: who cares here, who here knows Einar Schleef?

Schleef died in a Berlin hospital, and I read later that the hospital after his death did not know who you should communicate. Finally (it took days?) Was found his lawyer.

The first theater job I saw was by Schleef, "Before Sunrise". The production was invited to plays, but on this Sunday afternoon, the actor ( Volker Sprengler ) was ill; Schleef wanted the idea and give jumped with the text book in the hand itself. The visitors left rows of the theater. At some point the already previously announced scandal: over 30, 40 minutes the stage was pitch dark, only to see torch lights, another enthusiastic banging doors in the stalls, the rest was persevering but in the end (before sunrise!).

Later: Wessis in Weimar, so everything is known , super. Brecht Puntila ... Schleef again, the actors, all naked, lying on each other and cuddly at the edge of the stage, (not naked, but with a (sauna) cloth wrapped around the great Jutta Hoffmann ?) in the midst of them, next to the Schleef Ball, looks over the audience (or at least directly into the audience?) In an imagined distance and shouts: "Do you fucking want?"

Previously, the work of mourning in a November night in the closing of the Schiller Theatre with the remains of his Faust, not shown (later processed Schleef against the city), after his triumph: Jelinek's sports pieces, for 40 minutes ovation at its premiere at the Burgtheater ... I can hardly write without that I'm terribly sentimental.

Too bad too bad that he is no more.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Why Does Bruce Banner Do Yoga At The End

Happy Birthday


waltz Come on, here is the money
's where the brass band.
bills and do not worry
that the Federal Republic.

I think the text should Enzensberger you do not then fully herein. But one hears him yes on the above linked Ingrid Caven-sample.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Turtles Candy Katydids

Lord of the labyrinth as a FREE PDF

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Funny Inititation Ideas

world record

The young gentleman on the scanned photo has prepared the way, last Friday a new hour record for unfaired recumbents. He has covered 50.529 kilometers in 60 minutes.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pregnancy Life Simulation Games


These days, organized by the German Academy for Language and Literature their spring meeting in Berlin. On Ascension Day evening, the Haus der Berliner Festspiele, the opening event "recovery - An Evening of Remembrance" instead. Include such things Arnold Stadler and Josef Winkler. Josef Winkler will remember Hans Henny Jahnn, Arnold Stadler Reinhold Schneider.

nice but: Brigitte Kronauer speaks of Hans-Erich Nossack (on the above linked website his name is unfortunately misspelled). As I have looked the same time on the pages of "Hans-Erich job Nossack the University of Mainz, but they seem deserted.

addition, also Thomas Brasch "Discovered" are. If Jens, I will meet on Thursday, agree, we go there.

What Does The Ending Of The Incredible Hulk Mean

back from vacation ...

The holiday was short and the Everyday I was quickly - and so begin some work be maintained or a few and brought to an end.

+ The DSA radio play is now in its "hot phase" - I was now moving from an approximate production lasted for about a month ago.

+ At the same time I devote myself to a part of Dungeon Under-Larm - again deflected Moritz , just as it did at Lord Labyrinth Project.

+ A - or two offers - maybe future musical works shown for various publishing houses.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Creams To Help Eczema Skin

Praise You

When the dancers in front of my shop I remembered the nice Fatboy Slim video.

How To Adjust Rear Suspension Polaris Indy Trail

Light Blue Addendum

A happy coincidence, the fine fits the Meinecke-book: read today me that René Pollesch has premiered his latest play in Stuttgart, it has a typically funny Pollesch- entitled "If the actors do sometimes have a free evening, takes Hedley Lamarr. Hedy Lamarr does not, however, the FR:

"Time and again, is a strange . Chorus, which is called Hedley Lamarr, which has nothing to do with the famous Hollywood Diva and creator of the forties "

The other Frankfurter Zeitung can at least one - well maybe a bit fetched reference - see:

" Hedy Lamarr, in the history of film, especially by their nude role in 'ecstasy' received, worked for her failure as a Hollywood star as a super shrewd amateur engineer in the development of radio-controlled torpedoes. Hedley Lamarr is such a torpedo. An actor's collective, which wants to demolish the old theater into the air by it out of solidarity and love of the job stepping in when colleagues want to treat yourself to an evening "

And why my corner? Exactly, not actors but writers group said in light blue including from this very unusual life that Hedy Lamarr has led - the intersection of his material is just as the torpedo invention, which would, they were still implemented during the second world war, possibly the Nazi U-boats off the American coast could have come up to stop earlier. After Stuttgart

the features section looks but not so, but because Harald Schmidt there with (or counterclaims?) Plays.

Price Of Subway Steak And Cheese Sub


was on Saturday in front of my store room a wedding couple adopted. Two musicians - a kemençe player and a drummer to play. Only the bride and groom and their closer relatives were directly photographed and filmed in front of my window and I thought I was because I wanted to bother anybody, in the background, some women began to rock, others clapped to the beat. Soon they took each other's hands, formed a circle around the couple, and some of the men joined the ranks as well. So they dance around the bride and groom and together with the last two.

Friday, May 15, 2009

How To Erase Poptropica Account

Why recumbent fun

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bleu Print Billard Table

On the last Spree cycling tour

Fabian has a photo made by me.

That was, I believe, in Paretz.

Receivers That Can Handle 100 Watt Speakers

eighth time on it: today the Tagesspiegel a report on the Andromeda Mega Express Orchestra , which performs tomorrow in the ballroom Kreuzberg - but unfortunately I can not.

Yesterday on the train belongs to: Element of Crime, You have a choice - aah yes, sigh, but I find no video to it.

Today on the train: Air, All I need to somehow ICE perfect music.

Outside slipped past the May.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Brown Mucus For Period

Thomas Meinecke ends light blue with a last spruce reference he cited in Volume XV of the history of sensitivity (that is, 'Homosexuality and Literature I'?) A Empedocles fragment in the original on Fichte's grave stone at the Nienstedtener Cemetery read is:

Once I am a boy, I was a girl, bush and birds and fish that leaped from the waters warm.

Here was found until recently, driving directions (now quoted here from the Google cache ):

The grave of Hubert Fichte is on the Nienstedtener cemetery in Hamburg. Direct on the Elbchaussee there are two entrance gates; who is from there the path next to the fence parallel to the road down the river, the simple grave is on the third or fourth right-hand outgoing path of the penultimate and last "regular" square segment of the cemetery. Here it is in the path between the rows of grave on the right side of the second or third.