Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pregnancy Life Simulation Games


These days, organized by the German Academy for Language and Literature their spring meeting in Berlin. On Ascension Day evening, the Haus der Berliner Festspiele, the opening event "recovery - An Evening of Remembrance" instead. Include such things Arnold Stadler and Josef Winkler. Josef Winkler will remember Hans Henny Jahnn, Arnold Stadler Reinhold Schneider.

nice but: Brigitte Kronauer speaks of Hans-Erich Nossack (on the above linked website his name is unfortunately misspelled). As I have looked the same time on the pages of "Hans-Erich job Nossack the University of Mainz, but they seem deserted.

addition, also Thomas Brasch "Discovered" are. If Jens, I will meet on Thursday, agree, we go there.


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