Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I Hate Volleyball Quotes


stress caused by work, unfortunately, a reading break, in the ICE-outs must now be opened so the stupid laptop and the precious time verplembert with any kind of shit. In the Goetz I have therefore in the last ten days, only once, at night, as irgendsoeine anxiety attack sleep in their downward swirls with the crack, looked inside (instead of 'nen Strick search), but I really did not read, just scroll through and I looked at some of the collages, and drank tea and wait until it passes. It passed by then, and I have put aside, and discard the Kronos light (incidentally I had for years by the way once again turned on and remains of Fritz heard of a Blue Moon and myself after all but happy about it).

And this is then probably be: this summer will be good - just like 130 000 others before it - alone, lonely and need to be propped up over the years, unaffected stage. Viertelnachvier, Weiner laments the night! Viertelnachvier is indeed the most desolate of all the day, night and seasons.

In mailbox but some comforting books: Wilfried F. Schoeller Paper on the exhibition on Spruce Mau in Hamburg a few years ago with some very nice photos and facsimiles, phonon by Dietmar Dath, the wooden ship of Hans-Henny Jahnn and Schernikau book by Matthias Frings. There


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