Thursday, June 25, 2009

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radio drama project now with new audio book project on Everyone can spokesperson for radio plays and makers are. The plays, which must not shy away from the comparison with commercial radio plays, all on downloaded, for free werden.Dies idea behind the project is so good that more than 60 radio plays were produced and these more than were downloaded 150,000 times. In addition, the Hoerspielprojekt several times with the radio play-coveted Award:

2008: Best Newcomer Label
2009: Best Download Portal - audience and critics' prize
2009: Samhain (radio play) - Produced Silver Award in the category of Best Radio Play for adults "

the audio plays through the connected large community: . The project has made it his mission to offer a platform for speakers, authors and musicians. It is now the largest German Forum in this area. Bishins from amateur authors of trained speakers to label owners is all represented and it can be in a relaxed atmosphere quickly contacts knüpfen.Aber the best is: This is not spoken, but done! On the platform are your storytellers in the Community - And for free! Crosstalk training, a writing class, and many other interesting things also a Teamspeak server is for audio communication and Skriptabsprache.Jeder can participate - whether as an author, speaker, or Cutter! With a current nearly 40,000 contributions is the No. 1 focal point for all the radio play-makers and enthusiasts.
Recently, the Forum was also an extended range audio book, in which members can make their stories and poems the speakers available to give them a jointly-produced audio book. Although the area is still young, so more than 15 stories have been set to music and growing mehr.Das Special at both portals is that they are completely free of advertising and totally free, which has become a rarity on the internet already. This applies also for the associated sites:


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