welfare process - politically motivated?
Today I was at a press conference of "green" in the Löwelstraße in Vienna.
Albert Steinhauser, justice spokesman for the Greens, Martin Balluch, main accused in this inquisition process and told his lawyer about the scandals at the criminal trial.
You have to imagine that the State Office for State Protection and Counter-terrorism on behalf of a textile chain has a club called the association wants to destroy each animal factories. They work by all means, in a constitutional state is not usually allowed.
Whether the charges - including accusations of arson in Burgenland - are justified, I can not judge. However, viewed from Mr. Balluch just not like a criminal and dangerous terrorist.
The State Office for Protection of the Constitution, I have also met. They work in conjunction with the dangerous psycho-sect Epitarsis and cover murders, attempted murders of Finance. Also billion fraud and money laundering - if they happen in ministry circles - in Austria, not punished.
Only the little man must be punished. I find this quite unfair. But even the Romans said: Quod licet Jovi, non licet Bovi.
I hope and pray that we get better politicians in Austria. Above all, however, the judiciary and the police are not as highly corrupt.
Last but not least, I hope that the methods of the dangerous psycho-sect Epitarsis in the Austrian executive and legislative branches do not apply. The founder Ron Hubbard has even allowed the murder of suppressive persons to justice. Moreover, the sect run concentration camps in the U.S., Denmark and England. See the film by Niki Stein: Until nothing remains Germany 2010
I think in principle it is better if Austria will preclear again.
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