Monday, February 28, 2011

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Alphonsus Liguori and the injustice of earthly JUSTICE

Now I got to know them again, left the next hunting party. They are unfortunately not a whit better than the right hunting.
My idea of performance as a snow mountain deer has already been nipped in the bud. Any creativity is killed. That's the big difference from the 1980s, where a red deer has saved the alias Günter Nenning Donauauen.
This is probably a consequence of the penetration of the Greens by Epitarsis.

Yes, it is unjust earthly justice. That is why I dress like my role model Alphonsus Liguori back to the justice that is meant in Romans. A professor of linguistics from Innsbruch has posted against me: the Romans, which is the Middle Ages, which is ancient. For me, the Romans, is also present. I live in this hope, this faith. Even Luther said, sola gratia.
Yes, I am a fundamentalist. The New Testament is the Foundation of my life. Therefore I will withdraw from earthly court processes. This is not my cup of coffee. I run my Facebook group "Animal rights activists are not terrorists" only as a fictional conversation between Francis of Assisi, Albert Schweitzer and Günter Nenning in heaven. Inspired I am in favor of Carl Djerassi, who stages in his novel "4 Jews at Parnassum" a conversation of 4 Jews in the afterlife.

Alfonso Maria de Liguori (born September 27, 1696 in Marianella, near Naples, † August 1, 1787 in Pagani at Salerno) was an Italian jurist, moral theologian, Bishop and Founder, who was canonised and elevated to the Church. As
first-born child of aristocratic parents Liguori enjoyed a rigorous, challenging education with private teachers. Even as a teenager, he could paint, played the harpsichord and published a book of poetry. At 16, he graduated Doctor of Laws 1713, and led with 19 of his first trial as a lawyer. 1723 he lost to his own presentation by a cabal of the opposing side a sensational process between two dukes and was overwhelmed with ridicule.
After this defeat, he began to think about his life. On 28 August 1723 he decided to change this radically. He went to a St. Mary's Church, there to lay the sword as a sign of his nobility and began to study theology. Three years later he was ordained as a priest member of a world association. In the episode was his concern the substantive fellow citizens in need in Naples. Against the spiritual need, he was popular missions, which would later become a hallmark of his order, and trained in the work of the chapels lay apostle. (Source: Wikipedia)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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animal rights: Defendant Faulmann as reviewers Schweiger - Günter Nenning as red deer

accused Faulmann (animal rights process) has disguised itself as an expert Schweiger. Günter Nenning has in December 1984 dressed as red deer - out of respect for the dignity of the animals.

1984 from the movement in the Hainburg Au (which was first deposited in error by police force) the political party "The Greens" project.
2010, animal rights activists accused of being terrorists. If this is not a step backward?

In solidarity with animal rights activists and in memoriam DDr. Günter Nenning I will appear before the Grand Court Room in Wiener Neustadt as snow mountain-deer!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Attorney Handler on Facebook and other stories from Wiener Neustadt

Since it says the Honourable Federal Minister of Justice (or am I wrong?) Today on the radio that the prosecutor and the judge - just as the "machinery" of the lawyers of the animal rights - should give more press conferences or their faces more often in the media should be represented. PLEASE
SAVED THE PUBLIC! The prosecutor looks like a Putscherl, he has eaten too much pork. Maybe he should be Muslim, then he can complete his degree in the same Sharia courts. Perhaps we can then present it in public. In the process he always hides behind the monitor. Seems to be quite shy, the dear son-in-Pröll.

here is about the PR strategy of the State Office for State Protection and Counter-terrorism striking? The LVT is indeed a free media-strategy consulting firm for the clothing manufacturer supplied. There have to really work universal genius.

Here is a short list of the work profile of our beloved "constitutional protection"

first Second fake claim of
In the period of service with service weighing the ladies of the demimonde stroll ("shady")
third lead PR strategies for business enterprises develop
4th advice on travel from the psycho-sect Epitarsis and let
5th Suppressive persons in custody or besachwalten can bring
6th Bribe referees
7th Hunting
eighth letter of invitation Secretarial work for Count Ali do

UUUUps ... now I'm gone too far. The administrator has the server locking me in Panama. Or I'm just a arte depp Dr. Berg Google?

Johann Nepomuk - also you said in the end always is all net Wohr - right? You Metternich escaped the crowd spies?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Electronic The homepage is an electronic unicycle introduced what is said to change the image of our inner cities. I myself do not believe that in the years to today's means of be replaced by the "Solo Wheel" unicycle called (for the Segway, it has also do not work). I'm still curious what the next few years so everything is still developing in this area.
Who wants to know more about the "Solo Wheel" and its technology can do this here . there are videos of the unicycle it on Youtube:

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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Kris Holm has in the Canadian TV show "Urban Rush" attended by over his last 10 years as a pioneer of extreme unicycling talk to (the program is in English ).

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Justicia Austriaca versus Justicia Britannica

With 400 million U.S. dollars and 30 million British pounds he bought the arms company BAE Systems early 2010 release of a large-scale process of corruption, run the judicial authorities in the UK and the USA for years against the company had. At the same time an investigation was the London Anti-Corruption Authority Serious Fraud Office "against the Austrian farmers and BAE consultant Count Alfonso of Mensdorf-Pouilly, said to have been involved largely in the dark machinations of his bread seller, as "no longer in the public interest" set.

An attorney for the Serious Fraud Office said 17.5 million of British pound, the Mensdorff got to smear politicians and other decision makers. (Source: PROFILE 15 February 2010)

With such high monetary amounts, the Austrian animal rights activists treated by the Austrian police and judiciary as terrorists not keep up. The alleged militants were

militant animal rights activists (formerly known abortion opponent called) were at the 21st May 2008 kept in custody. The Soko Animal Welfare / clothes-Bauer had been formed.

Here again, the chronology of events :

November 2006: The owners of the company Kleider Bauer speaks at the Federal and (infiltrated by Epitarsis) the regional office for terrorism-promotion. They want to leave the duration of demonstrations against animal fur of the Association Against Animal Factories "in front of the coat-Bauer stores. If you treat the animal rights activists after the mafia-paragraph, one would be the part of the textile chain also show gratitude financially. The SOKO welfare is made - of 35 police officers Day and night are available.
April 2007: LVT-extremism Head ORat Mag Autericky gives the company Kleider Bauer PR tips. He recommends contacting media representatives and the public display of damaged vehicles. Even local proposals for the media campaign by the State Office, where for terrorism. Florian Klenk of the "butterfly" would be the animal rights at an affordable price in the newspaper Falter as sick psychopath. An invitation to Earl's Court Ali would suffice! Klenk is cheap, thus one has convinced the "left" half of the empire.
27th April 2007 : the undercover Danielle Durand takes the circles on the animal rights work.
18th December 2007 : The SOKO Welfare (Zwettler, Bucks) will report to the Directorate General of Public Security: "The number of crimes committed by militant animal rights groups is constant relatively low."
December 2007 / January 2008 first time, the § 278a - introduced by SOKO Animal Welfare / clothing in combination with the pliant prosecutor - a criminal organization. From now on, the applications of the special commission and the decisions of the prosecution be based on § 278a.
23rd January 2008 : Soko-wire Josef Böck wrote to Director General of the Public (in) Security Dr. Buxbaum: be placed at every demonstration of animal rights must be an LVT-official and 2 WEGA officers. (We'll have ja)
21st May 2008 : The Soko welfare continues with several trucks (sic) to the Vienna Office of the VGT and removed everything that was not nailed down and. Even the backups (backup) files of the members, of which the SOKO knew through telephone monitoring, where they were stored, were picked up by the respective homes of welfare within a targeted manner. The SOKO planned the VGT 10 months - a very unusual period in such cases - without land and without contact with its members starve / dry up / to be destroyed. Only by chance escaped SOKO a backup of the membership database, which saved the VGT to collapse.
19th June 2008 : The following measure is adopted at a meeting of the special commission animal protection: "If it is possible to deny the non-profit, further measures are appropriate. The SOKO will denounce the VGT at SPAR as a criminal organization. Furthermore, it is submitted by the highly cooperative tax office documents because of unpaid inheritance tax FAKE.
27th August 2008 : The SOKO reported on behalf of the companies also seemed to hunt (Scotland) invited Prosecutor about the finances of the VGT: "To what extent the revenue and expenditure in accordance with the statutes and whether the profit is actually given, is currently being tested. be assigned to the Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs makes the start of September 2008, a press release in which it falsely claimed, the club management of the Association Against Animal Factories have to 62 crimes, including 9 arson:
early September 2008. This outright lie was not controlled by VGT civil law because each ministry immune to "sovereign acts" of this kind is against such actions. The Home Office tried to selectively advance the trust that a public authority in the eyes of the public still has to use in order to denounce the VGT. (See Policy: "Bring it to the funny farm or in jail)
early September 2008 : Due to a legal error by the prosecutor and also is under the influence of the textile chain investigation judges to the 10 animal rights activists from the pre-trial detention to be released . This is done to great media fanfare. National elections are imminent. The "Green" Set DDr. Martin Balluch on their list of candidates.
Fall 2009: against members of the VGT and the BAT are due to criminal complaints because membership in a criminal organization under § 278 membership made in a criminal organization. Objective: How can you destroy the Association against Animal Factories final. The method they would (Mr. Podgorski lived in the district of Wiener Neustadt) using a trick of the reactionary state court for criminal matters delegate in Wiener Neustadt. These also work well with Epitarsis. Ebreichsdorf is also in that area.
second March 2010 : as in a case against the terrorists of Al Qaeda, the 11th September is in Wiener Neustadt, the trial of the animal rights activists. The judge will make this joyful hunting suppressive persons forever silenced and destroyed mainly financially. Ronnie's policies have thus the Austrian Justice penetrated. Congratulations!
August 2010: The judge of Wr. Town and spend their prosecution at the invitation of Count Ali a wonderful summer hunting in Scotland.
February 2011: After nearly 70 days of trial, many witnesses charges, the evidence submitted by the Austrian also very expensive for the taxpayer takes on the country's criminal court in Wiener Neustadt.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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You have the choice: Black Justice or Epitarsis Justice

Werner billing and Michael Sauer write in their book "Opus Dei and Epitarsis" - the constitutional and socio-political ideas (ISBN 3 - 8100 - 2645 - X): It

is also important to consider whether Epitarsis would replace the existing legal system by its own and what consequences this has for the free, democratic basic order. The lyrics by Ron Hubbard can be seen in this context that the legal system to be established epitarsischen only Clears and honest people have the right to citizenship, marriage and procreation. This meant one of the epitarsischen ideology sought lawlessness of certain population groups and thus the elimination of the principles set out in Article 3 of the Basic Law (constitution) the principle of equality. This project was directed by Epitarsis therefore, on the abolition of the universal validity of human rights. Also consider that the epitarsische Legal system of fundamental principles and the rule of law was inappropriate in a pluralistic society.
must be inspected, whether dealing with critics of Epitarsis provides evidence that in the Epitarsis company in the Basic Law established human rights and eliminate the right to form a parliamentary opposition to confirm the analyzed Epitarsis ...... Sun- fonts that replace the existing psycho-group democracy, rule of law by establishing a company with specific Standards epitarsisch wants. The corporate image of Epitarsis it resembles the democratic ideas of right-wing extremists, the overall interest of a homogeneous national community, recognize that a unit of governors and the governed believe. To examine
was further whether there is actual evidence that Epitarsis intend to take a guiding influence on the government in Germany and whether affecting the principle of democratic legitimacy of state power by the people, will override. For this too, the Constitution (of course not the Austrian - editor's note) would find himself notes in the Hubbard and SC writings in which the need of managing government through Epitarsis would openly propagated.

End quote from Billing / Sauer

From my perspective, it is no coincidence that of all originally from Germany and the Austrian criminal law professor Velten Association of Judges in the process Causa animal rights collide. Totalitarian systems we had been to Austria. The Austrians seem to be more susceptible than the Germans for dictatorship and totalitarian systems (concentration camps). The Germans had also made it before, but a bit she learned yet to do so. Probably reflected here through the intelligent Protestant but more than the obedience to authority, blind faith of Catholicism in Austria.

The State Office for State Protection and Counter-Terrorism and the Federal and state police have Vienna on behalf of a business family (probably a fee - the corruption is suspected in the room), a group of harmless welfarists as terrorists after the section 278 of the Criminal Code Mafia treated.

The full range for terrorists has been played for the animal rights:

first Phone surveillance - tracking device on the car
second Monitoring of the homes, cars, activities of animal rights
third WEGA inserts and searches for the animal rights activists with subsequent imprisonment - the state attorney was waiting in the police car in Vienna Hietzing
4th Formation of a special commission of animal welfare (euphemistically Soko clothing called) with 35 police officers (note the lack of police officers repeatedly criticized in Austria)
5th From the Minister down (chain of command), the whole of the national executive (the Federal Police, Federal, constitutional protection, etc..) Instructed to destroy the Association against Animal Factories by all means and criminalize its members heaviest (Ron Hubbard: Bring you in jail or in the Psychiatry - the suppressive). This has happened mainly because the black hunting in Austria ("People's Party") felt massively disrupted by the "hunt search" of the animal rights activists.
6th As was already even senior officials of the "executive" to hunting parties invited to Scotland. You would get these crazy animal rights activists already in the grip. Maybe here and there also count accounts (including the Burgenland minister husband and pheasant farm Graf Ali felt threatened by animal rights activists when he's not in England in the ports was) a few thousand dollars flowed to supplement the not so high salary for executive officers .
7th However, drive the real terrorists loose their game in Austria - paid by the Social Welfare Office and the Austrian taxpayer. It is the sharia - the Islamic legal system. With great difficulty, and all the tricks could a terrorist training camp be prevented by engaged citizens in the southern Lower Austria.
8th Quod licet Jovi, non licet bobi.

slander - libel you cry?

way: my lawyer is JESUS. Postal address: unknown.

Monday, February 14, 2011

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abuse of Austria table - IS JO Olles NET WOHR

first Abuse SOKO welfare: many wondering already:

HOW MUCH the State Office for State Protection and Counter Terrorism, HOW MUCH the Federal Criminal Police, the state police, the security management in Vienna of the "textile chain" will have to allow them 35 policemen (because they have so little to do anyway) in a SOKO animal welfare and also recruited have yet taken a public relations consultancy for the "textile chain." The prosecutor and investigating judges are allegedly also puppets of this fine, black "The Hunting Party," which is bound by the instructions of the Minister of Home Affairs. Otherwise, you can enjoy the beautiful game in Scotland - together.

second HOW MUCH granted to officials of the LVT for the transfer of "listening protocols" by Karl-Heinz Grasser (too beautiful for this world) and Walter Meischberger to the weekly magazine Falter?

third HOW MUCH receives the LVT for reversals fact, humiliating served on Suppressive persons and disappearances of evidence of homicide, murder, eg in Ministries?

4th HOW MUCH received a district court in Vienna by a mobile operator (eg T-Mobile) for an order to pay Besachwalterung followed by a suppressive person?

5th HOW MUCH receives a judge for a ruling, so they write it so that it is the other bank of great advantage?

The only right answer: a minister!
Johann Nepomuk Eduard Ambrosius
Nestroy (1801-1862)

IS JO JO IS ........ WOHR NET Olle Olle NET WOHR ........

Saturday, February 12, 2011

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Justice cabaret Austria - scenes of animal rights activists process

Justice cabaret Austria - Scenes of a process: preprint exclusive

As a foretaste of the writer Animal rights activists process you get here are some scenes in a nutshell - things to laugh

first Scene:
Regional Court of Wiener Neustadt, large courtroom: the judge is sitting alone in the great Sonja A. courtroom. Where else is the public prosecutor, the chair rats crawl up and down. The recently from the Vienna Zoo - because of bad leadership - released Elephant Dame Taluba tried the door to the large courtroom to open the trunk. A dog barks in the corridor. The prosecutor plays in the 3rd Floor piano.
The judge writes the sentence itself, it speaks for itself free of all charges. Now she is relieved. It is a great country for hunting chief invited the nearby snow mountain country. You will not be late.

Regional Court for Civil Matters, Wiener Neustadt, parking and the lobby of the courthouse: Mr. Balluch, interim administrator of the chimpanzee Hiasl increases with Hiasl (in tuxedos) from the car. Hiasl has during the car ride from Geneva to Vienna Neustadt all court documents concerning his Sachwalterschaft stained with bananas and vanilla yogurt (his favorite dish). This is another reason for a final Besachwalterung Hiasl of thinking, his temporary guardian, Mr. Balluch. Hiasl desperately tries to tear them uncomfortable clothes from his body. Both entered the courthouse. At the inspection in the foyer of the district court Hiasl pulls the camera from the top right of the holder. Martin Balluch is near nervous breakdown, he yells at Hiasl: "Who do you aufführst you so, we will never get the Sachwalterschaft decision for you."
has the chimpanzee, but only has eyes for the breakfast-yogurt of Justice officials. He jumps on the table and takes great skill with the yogurt. Throughout the court building to ring the alarm bells. The scandal is perfect. The chimpanzee Hiasl threatened with detention.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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judicial scandals in Austria from A to Z

first AMIS : There are the Americans talking about?
second AMS-million : disappeared in the Caribbean and melted into a Goldbaumine in Ecuador (South America)
third secrecy : not in Austria taken as accurate.
4th monitoring protocols Grasser Meischberger: Where was my performance? Question: What are police investigation findings further at what price?
5th Arleth Sonja: the judge in the process of animal rights activists in Wiener Neustadt
6th Bandion-Ortner Claudia was rewarded as a judge for a ruling by the minister.
7th BUHAG : 60 AMS-million was paid in error
8th BAWAG : Austrian Trade Union Bank, the hellhound Cerberus swallowed
9th Balluch Martin DDr: animal rights activists from the Austrian judicial mafia boss. Has Sachwalterschaft chimpanzee Hiasl requested.
10th BUWOG : 60,000 housing officials, by a Minister of Finance "privatized"
11th Cafe Cappucino : Nobles cafe in Vienna Vienna Hernals
12th Cerberus: The Hellhound has bought the Bawag. Question: If a dog or a legal entity, this contract invalid?
13th CA Immo : second bidder in the federal housing
14th Csoka Stefan: Councilor, Ministry of Finance
15th Datz Kurt: Head of an AMS-rate institution
16th Helmut Elsner : Ex-bank manager, the soon to jail to Stein an der Donau must relocate.
17th Epitarsis : a unique money-hungry psycho-sect. Includes legal contracts for millions of years from.
18th EUROFIGHTER : expensive interceptors, paid for by the taxpayers of the neutral Republic
19th Finance : There have been shamelessly betrayed
20th First-In-Ex : Vienna-based software house
21st Flöttl Wolfgang: Eisenhower's son. Has some Milliönchen down the drain. Lives on DEER ICELAND in the USA!
22nd Liechtenstein to hide money : ARTE TV documentary, June 2009
23rd Karl-Heinz Grasser : too beautiful for this world, too intelligent for this world, too rich for this world, Occupation: son
24th helmet wine Gottfried: painter and ambassador of Lower Austria in the U.S.
25th Hochegger Peter: Advice billionaire
26th Homepage affair : The Industries Donates 283 000 € tax free!
27th Hypo Alpe Adria AG: The Carinthia's largest bank by 3 € Ö purchased by the Republic
28th Immofinanz : On 15 June 2004, the real estate finance group for 961 million euros the Federal CHARGE for 60,000 homes.
29th hunting : Telekom Austria invites you to the Scottish highlands to hunt!
30th Jandl Dieter: friend of Karl-Heinz Grasser
31st Kulterer Wolfgang: Hypo-chief, detainee
32nd Kaprun 11/11/2000: The technical experts will get a psychiatric report!
33rd Kampusch : A film
34th concentration camps: California, Copenhagen
35th Krakow : prosecutor or a new sausage from Poland?
36th LIBRO bookstores AG: 12 years have been copied the files in the National Court in Wiener Neustadt. Now could finally begin the process!
37th Lehman Brothers : An investment house from America.
38th Madoff -fraud scheme: A sophisticated system to make money and others to steal with impunity.
39th Mafia-paragraph : § 278 of the Austrian Penal Code
40th Mensdorf-Pouilly : Austrian Count, minister husband, money laundering, bribery, perjury - charged only in the UK.
41st Julius Meinl : 1 night in jail, 100 million deposit for the freedom
42nd Meischberger Walter: Where was his performance? Super nude heurigers?
43rd NEW Economy: The Association of KHG and Matthew Winkler in Vienna Margaret received by the Industrial Association of 283.000 Euro - tax free charitable status because
44th Ossberger : Supposed poisoner of Spitz, life imprisonment, processing time: 2 days
45th Petrikovics Karl: Immofinanz CEO
46th Prölliade : Austrian million Festival, Radel Brunn, Lower Austria - Austrian funded by taxpayers
47th QuerulantIn : government-recognized judicial oath
48th Ruttensdorfer : acquitted of OMV insider stock trading - NO NET
49th Sharia: Islamic law is relatively new in Austria. The primary law of the Regional Court of Wiener Neustadt.
50th Beautiful : Attorney with parliamentary questions
51st slack : alias: IM Landgraf added, 52 in Israel travel ban
Scientology : This word can not express it in Austria.
53rd Spitz : Mayor poisoned by Mon Cheri.
54th SAP Software from Pakistan - Federal Budget
55th Schweinhammer Wolfgang: Officials at the Treasury
56th Animal rights activists process: after the Mafia paragraphs § 278 a charged
57th Turkish honor killing : Without penalty, because the Sharia is and not the Austrian law - at least at the regional criminal court in Wiener Neustadt
58th Telekom Austria : Give Graf Ali Mensdorf-Pouilly 1.1 million euros
59th TILO Berlin: Ulrich lives with the mountain in Carinthia - Investor
60th Presumption of innocence: it applies only to celebrities and Epitarsianer!
61st custody : Torture means for witches and Suppressive People
62nd Velten Petra: Professor of Criminal Law Linz, ignorant of the Austrian conditions
63rd Vienna Airport : tuning costs one billion
64th million residential : National Council of Sobotka (LA) speculated
65th Wolfgang Wipperman : Accounting Agency: has erroneously paid 17 million euros to the wrong account.
66th XENU : a ghost, 75 million years old
67th Y-Line : a scandal that fell victim to the amnesia of Justice
68th for payment: This is used in district courts in order to incapacitate suppressive persons
69. payment : Electronic payments of the Republic of Austria can be fatal to some officials. But is not a crime within the meaning of the Austrian penal code.

To be continued!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

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animal rights process : Association of Judges resists Professor Criminal Law

is now really hot again in the trial of animal rights. The judges' union is resisting the statements and observations by Professor Petra Velten, Linz. The poor criminal justice activist who comes from Germany, according to their accent, white, nor how Epitarsis works in the Austrian police and the judiciary. She obviously has no idea that going to Austria to watch otherwise. For years, an Austrian Interior Minister PER TRANSFER prevents the prosecution of Udo Proksch. These are the Austrian laws. The judges, of course, now fearing for their reputation. The difference with the 1980 years it is so, that the judges at that time were not yet convinced of the Epitarsis doctrine. In Germany Epitarsis is under surveillance of the State Administration for Protection of the Constitution, to work in Austria, the "Protection of the Constitution" with Epitarsis. This is the subtle difference. Professor will feel it even in his own body. Hopefully it will not be released. I've jus in my tests I have to also control of Epitarsis staff. That was hard.

is now my way also super clear why advised the attorney of Lucona Captain Jacob Puister me to get the Sachwalterschaft upright.

§ 39 Criminal Procedure: Can for a minor or care wards, even against their will, even the legal representative - ie trustee - appoint counsel.

Now I wonder, however, already: Applies for me as a suppressive person is not it the presumption of innocence?

Sitting On Womans Belly

animal rights process Wiener Neustadt: prosecution by the Mafia-the § 278a

Vienna Penal Code 1988: § 278: banding

who connects with 2 or more, with the intent that one or more members of this compound continued murders (§ 75) or other serious acts of violence against life and limb, extortionate kidnapping (§ 102), traditions of a foreign power (§ 103), the slave trade (§ 104), robbery (§ 142), extortion (§ 144); dangerous to, criminal acts under § 169, 171, 173, 176, 185 or 186 or human beings (§ 217) offenses against the security of transportation of money, securities and valuables (§ § 232 to 239) or only minor property damage, theft or fraud be performed shall be punished with imprisonment up to three years.
Has the connection led to any criminal act of the kind proposed, it is not in the content, to punish, if the compound dissolved voluntarily or otherwise from their behavior shows that it has voluntarily given up their plans ...

ask many supporters of animal rights activists even an acquittal on all 62 or 63 counts of animal rights. We obtained an acquittal in Austria but not so easy, particularly because the prosecutor's office and they are subject to directives with false information which supplied SOKO animal protection to the admittedly corrupt politicians and officials in the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Home Affairs. I can unfortunately not that I have to live in such a country! I did not invent this system.

Now on acquittal , stepping back from the dock or some charges:

Ad ACQUITTED: An acquittal will make the decision in Wiener Neustadt little. Why: Because the indictment by the prosecutor handler contains more than 62 charges. This means that more than 60 crimes accused the animal rights activists. The hardest hits of course, the main accused DDr. Martin Balluch. Even after taking all

legal sophistication by attorney Mag Stefan Traxler an acquittal of 62 counts is hardly possible because the prosecution then - admit to admit / - highly embarrassing would it
first coarsest procedural defects (ranging from the influence of the special commission of animal welfare and the underground judge by the textile entrepreneurs to perfidious embezzlement of exculpatory results of investigations) has been
second the State Office for State Protection and Counter-Terrorism and the Federal Ministry of the Interior for a public relations strategy of Austrian textile chain (which is fighting economic survival) has had abuse (many, many years of abuse by police and judiciary)

BEFORE JUDGEMENT in Wiener Neustadt therefore seek the following: first

The competent prosecutor must be received withdraw after the hijack of the VE by the prosecution under § 278a . Some alleged crimes, such as vandalism, may then be clarified within a very short time in the process.
second Should not happen, the parent bodies in the (instructions linked) prosecution would be required. Ultimately responsible is the Minister of Justice. If they tolerate a further prosecution under § 278a, it would explain why that is justified. (Resulting in motion of no confidence against Justice Minister at the National Council)
third The embezzlement of intelligence by the Federal and State Office for State Protection and Counter-Terrorism MUST have criminal consequences, to pre-emptively to prevent a similar approach. There were already facts representations against Soko and the prosecutor introduced for abuse of authority.

AFTER JUDGEMENT, only more of a plea of nullity be introduced. The Supreme Court can annul the verdict so only because of formal errors, if my information is correct. However, the process is extremely expensive when it is shifted to the highest authority, because all legal costs, etc. .. doubled and tripled! (See Attorney Tariff Act BZS. Regulation)

For further information on current issues of the Penal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure, see

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

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witch trial: the denunciation

I do not intend to pursue highly stylized witch or a martyr. For this I am much too self-pitying and too cowardly. But compared with the research concerning "animal rights activists process of Wiener Neustadt-medieval witch trials", I came across an interesting point. The accusation of a witch was mostly due to a denunciation. So here too, the modern intelligence agencies have a lot by watching from the perfidious inquisition process.

We read in Wikipedia about "procedure witch trials" in Item PROSECUTOR:

was often an actual indictment a year-long period ahead of the rumor. The indictment was based on a denunciation made, by a witch already imprisoned - was in a show called - perhaps under torture. Rarely admitted to alleged witches to the right to a defense. (end quote)

reminds me of the entries about my person in a political diary of the green National Council Members Peter Pilz the February / March 2007.
Mir, the chief theologian of Scientology - Mrs H. (name was announced) manipulated while working in the civil service even my laptop and my phone and copies of each document that they could find (since met tons of documents), likely to collect data on innocent people and finally bullied me from the company. I have heard that she flew from state service because she wanted to draw their superiors up to the management of GT for Scientology and they even threatened because they have not entered it.
Fortunately I have since to do with this sparkling aunt anymore. During my time it's trying constantly with champagne and esoteric shit and constantly annoyed me with on various Esotherikseminare (Scientology) to tow. They also talked constantly of officials who have committed suicide in their community and boasted of friends in the Ministry of Social Affairs and Ministry of Foreign Affairs have to kiss her hand when they see it. I've also heard that she was sent to "higher orders" to Brussels.
Well hopefully there's nothing unpopular officials.
PS hn Lassy knows obviously
End quote. These denunciations were made

the way to a time when millions of viewers at home and abroad due to the Eurofigther inquiry committee of the Austrian Parliament access to the site. And residential address (with door number) and phone numbers were called. At the State Criminal Court (Judge in the mini skirt, career "through the vagina), there was a mock trial in my ad. (See witch trial: Judgement agreed upon in advance by those in power) A lawyer for the other side of the judge dictated the verdict. The legal fees for the deletion of messages denouncing the internet before a large audience (see: violation of privacy rights, according to media law) I had to wear themselves.
has obviously used to the Inquisitor of the conviction of the heretic or witch, that was already fixed in advance, dictated. The cost of the stake had the witch or heretic (heretics) themselves.

find interesting to me that almost all dictators of modern times (except Hitler) attended Jesuit schools. The Jesuit Order was known to be spearheaded the Counter Reformation. In all these dictatorships of modern times was similarly taken against dissidents in time of the Counter Reformation. The method of denunciation of the modern intelligence agencies have taken over almost one to one. Dirty tricks and greet Noisy Investigations let the great cult group.

I personally can not exclude that, for example threatening emails to the industrialist's family and their children, who allegedly wrote the animal rights activists, who in reality has all the other written. Now we are back in the middle of the Middle Ages. Because crimes are committed and they are pushing the local witch-known in the shoes.

Or: " claiming responsibility "are written. Most people who know the accused person know that this" claim of responsibility "have been written not by the accused person. But you have finally artificially" create "scapegoat", which you can then demonstrate to the people ..

Today, you can manipulate computers and fake hand-written report, the methods have been refined a bit, however, are the basic ideas and goals - namely, the destruction of a person. - remained the same You make such attacks himself and write then also be "Confessor letters" distributed to the media. Where would you, dear reader, the inquisitors think of today?

Conclusion: The basic principle is always the same. You throw a person on something they have not done so. You turn to the facts. You do everything to ruin the reputation of the person. We shy away from crime did not decrease, so that you are in the "judicial process" as many offenses that you can not criticize the person. In fact, you yourself have staged all believers as letters, attacks on cars, threatening emails, arson etc.

I can well imagine what it was like in medieval times. It has, for example in the eastern Styria - burned a lot of witches - around the Riegersburg. It pleased the powerful Men do not want any women Herbalism operated or would affect the weather by magic. So you have as a guest house in the village on fire and it pushed the medicine woman in the shoes. They say still proverbial with whom I have "quick work" done.

rarely confessed to alleged witches to the right to a defense. Following the arrest in a basement or tower began the interrogation. This examination is usually forced - after a formal interview - the confession by torture .

One could say that modern torture is the pre-trial detention in Wiener Neustadt. The main defendant in the animal rights process Mr. Balluch has still a voluntary torture additional option: the hunger strike. He has primarily hurt themselves, because the media reported only in passing over it. It was election and Austria stood before early parliamentary elections in September 2008.

Last but not least, the innocent defendants are not now burned at the stake. be destroyed, you will also be driven to suicide or financially and professionally perfect, so it - completely ruined - periods in homeless shelters or prisons, the rest of her life must and eventually there then perhaps the coup de grace (commissioned by the Republic) by a judicial officer . Get Sad, but true?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pressure Point In Ankle To Have Period

Sachwalterschaft chimpanzee Hiasl: REFUSED

2007 at a District Court applied somewhere in Austria for a vulnerable contemporaries a trustee. The District Court denied the motion. By appeal, they turned in 2 Instance to the Regional Court for Civil Matters in Wiener Neustadt. The applicants - a member of the endangered species, human beings - was rebuffed by the court. He was not legitimate recourse. Appeals is legitimized only to itself Besachwaltende chimpanzee Hiasl, the person for whom the trustee body has been requested not understand all the fuss around him. His main problem is that the bananas in Austria are not as good as in Sierra Leone, his home country. Given