Monday, February 28, 2011

Buy Used Scotch Barrels

Alphonsus Liguori and the injustice of earthly JUSTICE

Now I got to know them again, left the next hunting party. They are unfortunately not a whit better than the right hunting.
My idea of performance as a snow mountain deer has already been nipped in the bud. Any creativity is killed. That's the big difference from the 1980s, where a red deer has saved the alias Günter Nenning Donauauen.
This is probably a consequence of the penetration of the Greens by Epitarsis.

Yes, it is unjust earthly justice. That is why I dress like my role model Alphonsus Liguori back to the justice that is meant in Romans. A professor of linguistics from Innsbruch has posted against me: the Romans, which is the Middle Ages, which is ancient. For me, the Romans, is also present. I live in this hope, this faith. Even Luther said, sola gratia.
Yes, I am a fundamentalist. The New Testament is the Foundation of my life. Therefore I will withdraw from earthly court processes. This is not my cup of coffee. I run my Facebook group "Animal rights activists are not terrorists" only as a fictional conversation between Francis of Assisi, Albert Schweitzer and Günter Nenning in heaven. Inspired I am in favor of Carl Djerassi, who stages in his novel "4 Jews at Parnassum" a conversation of 4 Jews in the afterlife.

Alfonso Maria de Liguori (born September 27, 1696 in Marianella, near Naples, † August 1, 1787 in Pagani at Salerno) was an Italian jurist, moral theologian, Bishop and Founder, who was canonised and elevated to the Church. As
first-born child of aristocratic parents Liguori enjoyed a rigorous, challenging education with private teachers. Even as a teenager, he could paint, played the harpsichord and published a book of poetry. At 16, he graduated Doctor of Laws 1713, and led with 19 of his first trial as a lawyer. 1723 he lost to his own presentation by a cabal of the opposing side a sensational process between two dukes and was overwhelmed with ridicule.
After this defeat, he began to think about his life. On 28 August 1723 he decided to change this radically. He went to a St. Mary's Church, there to lay the sword as a sign of his nobility and began to study theology. Three years later he was ordained as a priest member of a world association. In the episode was his concern the substantive fellow citizens in need in Naples. Against the spiritual need, he was popular missions, which would later become a hallmark of his order, and trained in the work of the chapels lay apostle. (Source: Wikipedia)


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